The Benefits of Melatonin
Poetry / Uncategorized

The Benefits of Melatonin

When the joyous years crash your pretty sleep and you can no longer count sheep Dust off the cap to the melatonin allow yourself to snooze without all the groanin’ Insomnia, you are one cursed bird a supplement perhaps does all that you’ve heard or ditch the Visine try some L-glycine Dear body clock I … Continue reading

essay / fantasy / fiction / night / Uncategorized

Mind Mapping Distant Shores

Once upon a restless night, tormented soul rustles through lingering doubts…willful wakefulness as sleep elusively sets sail to a Mediterranean Sea…Monte Carlo there on the French Riveria, thinking of Princess Grace and cliffs, steep ones, down sloping sorrow. Focusing now on the past and progress… or lack thereof. Life unreeling like a sometimes bad movie. … Continue reading

fantasy / Magic / mystery / Poetry / Uncategorized

Into the Night

There she was appearing again standing in the half-light the moon in her hand. Honeysuckle watfting intense white in the night. Dreams speak of dragons most honorable knight diffusing dense magic in the sultry moonlight. A goddess of mystery, a Centaur’s daughter a Giver of Forgiveness, a Crafter of Disorder. Intoxicating thoughts, a cosmic creation, … Continue reading