
Very Inspiring Blogger Award

very-inspiring-award I would like to thank the Meandering Matriarch for nominating my blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I would like to say that I am truly inspired by all of you,the wonderful WordPress Bloggers out there, and I wish I had started sharing my writing earlier. The Meandering Matriarch has a terrific blog, and if you haven’t yet, I invite everyone to check it out at: http://meanderingmatriarch.com/ In the process I am supposed to share seven facts about myself…ok then, here it goes.. 1. I love Rock’N Roll Music. 2. I am a very crafty person, but I can’t paint 😦 3. I love to read (now that is a surprise, isn’t it?) 4. I enjoyed traveling what little bit that I have done. 5. I adore animals. 6. I have tried numerous times to master a musical instrument. 7. I am trying to regain fluency in Spanish. 8. I would love to teach creative writing at the college level. 9. I like the convenience of small town America but love the ambience of a big city. 10. I would love to see more compassion in the world.

In accepting this Award, I am required to nominate fifteen other blogs which I feel are deserving of this recognition. Here are the rules:

Thank and link to the person who nominated you.

List the rules and display the award.

Share seven facts about yourself (whoops, I did ten…)

Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you, both are found at this link.  I have nominated the following bloggers:

http://everydayartmuse.wordpress.com/2014/07/04/14-quotes-on-the-human-condition-lovelifeetc/  Everyday Muse

http://arenaissanceglow.com/2014/07/04/to-love-and-be-loved-it-is-enough/  A Renaissance Glow

http://anonthinking.wordpress.com/about/Anon Thinking

http://silversun008.wordpress.com/2014/07/04/roots/  Dream Cloud Diaries

http://jodiellewellyn.wordpress.com/page/2/  Jody Lewellan

http://en.wordpress.com/read/blog/id/48078918/  Ladywriter

http://en.wordpress.com/read/blog/id/69705103/  Sundry Folly

http://en.wordpress.com/read/blog/id/60072449/  Trials of a wanna-be-published writer

http://en.wordpress.com/read/blog/id/69681708/  Coffee with Noor

http://en.wordpress.com/read/blog/id/22875372/  Ponikaa Girl

http://en.wordpress.com/read/blog/id/40619939/  My Creative Writing

http://en.wordpress.com/read/blog/id/54799042/  A Story a Day

http://en.wordpress.com/read/blog/id/67372291/  Blondewritemore

http://kate0murray.wordpress.com/me/  Kate Murray

http://iridescentfoxblog.wordpress.com/about/  Iridescent Fox


3 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations on your award. And thank you for nominating me for it. It is a privilege and a thrill! I am not accepting awards at present, mainly because of commitments of time, but it is still a thrill to be nominated! Thank you.

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