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Poetry Share – Sarah Kay

I missed National Poetry Day, or maybe I was a day early by posting the extraordinary work of Langston Hughes.  I have many favorite poets, so it is impossible to pick just one, but I would say that Sarah Kay is probably my favorite of current poets.  She is amazingly talented and spends a great deal of time teaching all over the world to help educate and inspire young people.  Sarah Kay is a master of spoken word poetry, and this video is a tribute to her favorite principal.

16 thoughts on “Poetry Share – Sarah Kay

  1. Lana, I have seen another video of Sarah Kay a while ago and was totally struck by her poetry and deliverance of the poem – absolutely amazing. Great to hear her read another here and fantastic as ever. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Loved this! Her words equaled only by her delivery of them (a bit of actress in this gal). Shows the love of learning that a good teacher or principal can instill in a child, why it’s important to encourage their individual talents, so all the colors of the crayon box get to shine. Thanks for sharing this Lana: I will be searching Amazon and YouTube for more. 🙂

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